Swisscables products are the result of a complete blank sheet research approach, taking no pre-existent design paradigms for granted and leaving no stone unturned to find better solutions and offer clients with genuine sonic advancements and ownership value.
Swisscables use only first-grade materials and all cables are fully handmade in Switzerland. Made of UP OCC solid core conductors of special copper alloy, the wire is wrapped in a light natural fibre. The implemented geometry is adapted to the required length of the cable and the wire network is introduced into a flexible tube and around this natural bre is solely air (air-dielectric!). And final touch is to use wood as resonator for connectors to give a natural sound.
Swisscable Diamond
Power Cords

Swisscable Reference Plus
RCA Cables

XLR Cables

Speaker Cables

Power Cords

Swisscable Reference
RCA Cables

XLR Cables

Digital Cables

Speaker Cables

Power Cords

Swisscable Evolution
RCA Cables

Speaker Cables

Power Cords